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About Us.

Quality Care 4 You is a provider of homecare and community support services. We are a local provider, based in Woking and believe in placing local staff in local employment.

The principle objective of Quality Care 4 You is to provide competent, capable and suitably trained care workers to enable service users to have sufficient support to remain safely in their own home. In order to meet these criteria, all our care staff are provided with training that more than meets the mandatory training suggested by CQC and Skills for Care and will be compatibly matched with service users.

Our commitment is to the provision of comprehensive care; the management of services with a clear focus upon the delivery of care to the highest standards, and giving you value for money.

Quality Care 4 You aim to work in partnership with service users, their family and/or friends and representatives to provide care of the highest quality, promoting independence within the framework of the essential values of daily living. We are able to provide experienced care and support staff to look after a person, in the comfort of their own home.
